Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Up to week 3 in two days now - catching up fast! I've looked for images on Flickr of SLNSW and have come to the conclusion that tagging and other folksonomies are great, but in the absence of controlled vocabularies, you really have to think laterally, or you'll miss some great results. Searching for 'State Library of NSW' gives one set of results, but you'll also find relevant images using 'SLNSW', 'libraries, sydney', 'state library, sydney', 'mitchell library, sydney' etc. I think that there is great scope for user tagging on library catalogues but they work best in conjunction with 'traditional' methods! A great example is the Powerhouse Museum catalogue - anyone can tag collection records, but the curators and registrars still apply traditional subject headings and descriptions. Anyway, the image I've posted is called 'I got a library card' by Jessamyn. I found it on Flickr's advanced search using the keywords 'library' and 'Sydney' and only looked for Creative Commons licensed content.
A library card and a good coffee! What more could you want?


pls@slnsw said...

That is a great shot - I hope you added the slnsw2008 tag so it shows up in our slideshow on the front page of the course.

Mylee (PLS)

CaperingLibrarian said...

I didn't think I could tag other people's images in Flickr. I've been through the help pages and can't see how... Help!