You know what I hate about 'Slam the boards'? The name. Why oh why are librarians continually trying to make themselves cool, or down with the kids by coming up with these ridiculous names? It's right up there with the continuous desperate attempts to make science or Christianity cool (no offence intended to anyone scientific or Christian). It's just a little bit embarrassing and you're mostly preaching to a converted audience already (no religious pun intended). If people want to use your services and you're providing a good one, they will! You're not going to get in a whole lot of newbies and convert them to the wonders of what can be provided by librarians/scientists/God by giving the service a hip and happening name. In fact, I'd argue it looks a bit desperate and dates really quickly.
However, having gotten that off my chest (deep breath) the idea is great. People are asking questions in these places anyway, so there may as well be people like us who make reference a business out there answering them. Just don't make me wear an 'Ask me anything!' name badge.
Well, thanks for liking the idea, even if you're not crazy about the name! Hope you'll participate tomorrow.--Bill Pardue
And you could wear a "what happens in the library..." t-shirt to go with that 'ask me anything' badge.
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