It's the last week of the learning journey and it's social networks. I have to say up front: I am a Facebooker, albeit a slightly ambivalent one. I'm really not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I'm 'Facebook friends' with many many more people than in real life, including people from school who I wouldn't necessarily be in contact with without Facebook. Is this good? Do I need regular updates on people I haven't thought about for 15 years, let alone spoken to? It is vicariously interesting though and quite addictive, to lurk on the outskirts of others' lives. (That sounds a bit stalker-ish, but you know what I mean.)
Anyway, I guess because so many people are like me and have made Facebook (and similar sites like MySpace) part of their daily lives, institutions and organisations who want to make contact with certain communities should be out there, in these virtual communities. This does not mean that we approach them in these spaces - that is scary commercial-like targetting of people! No, we are there, to be found, in a virtual way, in the same was as we are here, on Macquarie Street, to be found, by anyone who cares to look.
1 year ago